Fatherly Protection

“For some reason I just don’t believe you…” Mr. Gates said. His calm confident demeanor made him all the more intimidating.

“No! I promise. Really! I’ll stop!” Matt said. He still wasn’t sure what was going on. But he knew he was now looking up at a man he had been staring down at. It was all of a sudden. It was like he’d been hit in the gut and then his body started to change. His thick muscles rapidly receded in on themselves, while Mr. Gate’s body did the opposite. His scrawny arms and chest bulked up so much that it tore his shirt at the seams. 

“Hmmm… Is that so..?” Mr. Gate’s bit the side of his mouth while he spoke. “Because all I’m hearing is, ‘What’s wrong with this old fuck! What the fuck did he do to me! Once I get my body back I’m going to fucking murder him!’” He paused watching Matt’s body squirm as he was called out so obviously. “Isn’t that right?”

Matt didn’t know what to do. That was in the back of his mind but he didn’t expect it to actually be called out. “I’m sorry!” Matt shouted. “Really! What can I do to make it up to you? Money? I’ll do your son’s homework. I’ll let him fuck me. I’ll let you fuck me!”

“Woah there,” Mr. Gates laughed. “Maybe I’m pushing too hard. I always forget just how powerful I can be.” The smile on his face looked all the more devilish. “See, you had your chance. You had more chances than you even realized. High school’s one thing, but College? Come on. You can’t go around bullying a kid just cause he’s gay. That’s really fucking lame. David likes to act tough, but I know it gets to him. I’ve always known.”

“Sir?” Matt whimpered to fill the silence.

“Oh fuck that felt good,” for a second Mr. Gates loosened his grip. The sheer subservient nature of the sir from the guy who had been threatening to kick his ass just moments ago felt amazing. He knew his place. “But this isn’t it. See, I’m going to make sure he finds himself a good man. A strong man. But as a father, I feel weird about it. That’s why I’ll be his friend.”

“Sir?” Matt’s voice was still soft as he looked up at the person holding him down. “What does that mean?”

“It means I’m taking your place,” Mr. Gates said. And even as he finished that sentence Matt could see something different. Something about the older man’s face was off. Like the hard lines dug into it from years upon years of living were disappearing. The bit of grey in his hair and beard turning back into the darker brown amber color it had been of his youth. Then there was the forest of hair against his pecs and abs, receding into something a bit more manicured, wrapping around his muscles instead of just covering them.

Mr. Gate’s let go for a second to feel the youth and strength built inside each and every one of those muscles. Somehow they looked even bigger and more defined than even moments before. “Oh fuck yeah…” he grunted with a hip thrust. “That’s what I’m talking about…”

“Sir?” Matt said. “I feel strange…” Now that he was freed from Mr. Gate’s grasp he stood up and looked at the mirror on the other side of the bedroom. He looked a good 30 years older. A moderate amount of fat hung off his belly and arms. Though they still looked incredibly skinny for anything that he had ever had. His square jaw was rounded out and he had almost no hair on top of his head. Something inside him felt like he should be angry. That this wasn’t supposed to be him. But looking over at Dante, he couldn’t help but feel something else. With all his blood rushing to the wrong head, he wasn’t sure what to really think.

“Awww… Man, so much better,” Dante said. “I’d been ‘aging gracefully for so long I forgot how good it feels to be young again. Thank you for that.”

Matt’s heart fluttered as he’d been complimented. “Of course sir! Anything for you!”

“Something told me you’d say that,” Dante smiled. “But I’m afraid your reward will have to wait.”

As he finished the sentence, David burst into the room. “Dad! Are you done with Dante yet?”

Matt quickly looked over to Dante for approval. “Yes. Sorry… I just had something to talk to him about.”

David gave off a huff. 

“It’s alright,” Dante moved in closer knocking him with his elbow. “We’ve still got all night to find you a hot guy…”

“I just wish you could be that,” David tried to break the little distance between them, nuzzling up to Dante’s firm pecs and running his hand over it.

Dante quickly put a stop to it. “Sorry, not interested.”

“Asshole…” David pushed at him.

Running Interference: Book 03

Synopsis: Brady gets the Chronivac and starts to use it for his own fun. But then Will figures out that he has it, claiming Teddy told him just about everything there is to know about it. Brady is skeptical but he still wants to know what Teddy could have told him.

Word count: 16,894

Plenty of fun reality change, muscle growth, loss, transfer and a weight gain section too.

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